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A Review of Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai

This remake of Prince’s film “Purple Rain”, pays tribute to the Touareg passion for the electric guitar. Filmed in Tamatchek language, the title translates to “Rain The Colour of blue with a little red in it” because there is no literal translation of the word “Purple” in Tamatchek.

Thankfully music is universal and does not need any translation—as this film itself shows.

We follow the journey of Mdou Moctar, a Nigerien guitarist, arriving in Agadez full of passion and new songs, trying to make it in the Touareg guitar musical scene while encountering obstacles like every other artist.

With his purple robe and motorcycle of the same colour, Mdou Moctar is transporting us all film long, at the sound of Nigerien music. Last stop: a brilliant scene of a musical competition between him and a most renowned Nigerien guitarist, taking place at the Alliance Française of Agadez.

Add a love story, some funny scenes featuring the jealousy of other musicians, some struggle with family relations, and you find yourself before an original film that shows how the music life in Niger is, the struggle of an artist, and the importance of music for so many people in this part of the world.

It’s not a weapon that Mdou carries on his back but an electronic guitar, music being definitely a strong symbol of universality.

by Laure Kessler

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